Every scenario's units, for both sides, are set at the same strength percentage. You can play solo against the AI or against humans up to six total players!ģ,700 unique Regiments, Artillery Batteries and Leaders make up the data base behind the Historical Scenarios where their on-field strength is either 35%, 40% or 50% of their actual reported strength on that day of battle. New Historical Scenarios, all accessible via the Multiplayer > Local Network (or Total War Online) > Host Battle > Historical Scenario buttons.
30 new maps added to the original 13, all supporting up to 6 players. Now featuring 43 Battle Maps representing all theaters of the war from Pea Ridge and Mansfield to Shiloh, Champion Hill and Chickamauga to the Valley Campaign fields of Cedar Creek and Cross Keys. ACW 2.0 is HERE! A 15+ month long effort to overhaul, expand and improve every aspect of the original release.
After three years, three months and 12 days.